Sunday, February 6, 2011


The idea that love is selfless is a preposterous one but generations upon generation have considered the idea sacred and are going to do just the same before some sense prevails.Selflessness is a desecrating concept and connecting it with love should be acknowledged as blasphemy against the nobility that love is. Whether it exists or not is another question,but a laughable one.Every man has his own ethics and philosophy in life on which grows his moral code and love springs in his heart upon finding a champion of this code.Thus love arises from strict adherence to one's moral premises and rendering it selfless would imply absurdity and nothing else.Absurd because love is born from the the egoism of one's morality and hence it can never be selfless.Selflessness was a concept meant for the weak of the heart,the person who did not had the strength to stick to any morality.Love cannot brew in a weak heart.

Happiness comes from following the righteous path and utilizing one's potential to the maximum.Selflessness hails the sacrifice of one's happiness and desires for the sake of the herd.Obviously it is the man who has something of value is the one that the preachers of selflessness seek for making that sacrifice.So basically what a selfless society does is rob the men with values of their happiness and distribute it amongst those who are too weak to deserve anything.This system preaches that each man should love each man equally,thus equating a person's love for his hero in life to the pity that he may feel for a homeless beggar.

Love is something that has to be earned.One needs to be worth it.To love someone first one should know that person's nature and next he/she should admire it.Admiration springs from identification of one's highest values in someone else.It is the best reward a person can get for being the man of his principles,being what one truly believes is the most highest way of being human is.Two people in love see in each other a hero of their own respective moral codes.Each one is rewarded with the love of the other for being the hero that the other person seeked.What I am trying to imply is that this whole affair called love is like a toil and get rewarded routine and thus it is not selfless.

Many times people try to justify this statement by giving the example of a mother's unconditional love towards her offsprings.Loving,caring for one's child is a part of the moral responsibility that every relegion,sect,group entrusts upon its followers.When humans belonged in caves,surviving was the morality.A few steps of evolution later surviving well would have been the morality.Building a herd/clan of able bodied,skillful members certainly is the best way of surviving.Looking well after one's offsprings,feeding them well (being the first step in building that clan) thus got constituted in our morality.A child is a mother's masterpiece in the making.She loves it most because its her chance to deliver that masterpiece,and she never ceases to love it because she painted it with colours that she herself chose.Even if the world sees that masterpiece in the greyer hues,a mother still can see the beauty in it and love it.

Selflessness ascribes to love an aura of mysticism and spirituality,it makes it into this intoxicant which every one should carry around and pour out to anyone whether he asks for it or not,whether he desrves it or not.When in love try to reason and find an answer to "Of all the hundreds of people I have known in this life what makes this love of mine so special?".If you find the correct answer you will realize that love is the truth of your soul,in front of you in complete nakedness and complete defiance of what they say about love,very physical and very tangible and so very selfish so as to absolve you of every pain that may ever exist.

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