Saturday, February 12, 2011


There can be a million ways to look at things,but only one amongst them will let us see the truth objectively.Strangely enough it is not that tough to identify the correct perspective.This is because we humans aided with superior quality brains are able to develop the faculty of reason.We as a species have travelled from being barbarians to be able to control fire all because we reasoned that a better way was possible.Strangely enough during this process were conceived irrational concepts that have stuck to the minds of the humans like leeches who now threaten to suck the reason out withoout even being noticed.These concepts have something common in them- all are meant to blunt the brilliance that humans are capable of in the name of the common good.These concepts directly or indirectly try to accentuate a falsity that living for one's own happiness is evil.The madness that plagues the societies at large today
can only be cured when we realize that the "virtue of selflessness" is the greatest frauds of all times.One must remember that any leap that the humankind has ever taken in the process of civilization has been due to the unrelenting endurance of some brilliant and courageous mind to stick with his vision.All these great minds were at there times opposed by the societies that existed but it was the ego of their morality that made the leap possible.

This irrational majority has declared greed to be evil and they have succeeded in establishing this as a fact.What material wealth one is capable to possess is directly propotional to what he/she possesses as talent and values.Greed is that motivator which pushes one to achieve more than what the person is capable of.To do so thus a man needs to enrich his talents and value system.Thus greed pushes you to be a better human.If a person breaks laws to acquire more and more material possessions,then it is that person's rationale and inefficiency of the state to stop such a person that should be decried and not greed.A reasoning brain knows that material possessions can make you happy only when you have deserved them and thus through greed they try to become deserving.On the other hand an unreasoning mind is unaware of this fact and thus greed drives him to loot.

The faceless and the motiveless says greed is evil.They say it turns men into amoralists who are incapable of love towards anything other than money.Yes ofcourse it does such things,but being amoral when the accepted morality is at fault and love for money coupled together is the best cure for our society.our morality is at fault because it is not headed the right way.The stage of advancement that we have reached is because we have always held to reason and it is against our best tool to still believe in irrational concepts like that of selflessness,god,rebirth,soul and other concepts that rise from these.Love for money is the best thing that could happen to an individual(the one who can reason) as it is very hard to earn honest money and thus to deserve more and more money a person will be driven to get more and more deserving.They say greed makes one forget his duties towards his family.Well duty is something that is dictatetd to us by our own morality and not by the moral code of the society.This sense of duty arises from love which in itself is such great a force that it is impossible to neglect what it dictates.

Who are these faceless and motiveless people?How can one defeat them?What invisible lies in the path to the truth that bars the view?Or is it that no one wants to see this truth?To all these questions I have only one answer or perhaps a question-wHO IS JOHN GALT?

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