Sunday, February 13, 2011


It was the first semester when in full audience I had affirmed that I would never touch alcohol or cigarettes or any other thing of the same sort. My proclamation stemmed from the hate that I held for intoxicants and the hate stemmed from the fights between my parents that I encountered as a child when my father returned home drunk.Please dont interpret that my father was a wife beating drunkard because he was'nt.It was just that my mother was highly intolerant towards these bad habits and it was hard for her to control her disgust.

This is the eight'th semester and here I am -an alcohol gulping cigarette smoking self righteous bastard trying to defend himself on web log.So what happened in between that changed me so much.Well first of all I was not that wise enough at that time to realize my youthful vanity that fuelled me with a spineless confidence.Just out of a small town I did'nt realize that life had just started for me and there was a lot that I had to still see and experience.

One of my great friends brought a great deal of change in how I looked at things.He had once said to me that one life is what we have got and so we should let all kinds of experiences enrich us and for this first we must loose our inhibitions.This one maxim so deeply provoked me that on the last day of our first semester I smoked a complete navycut.My head seemed to go in circles but I felt great on loosing my inhibition.During the first sessionals of the second semester when we were battling it out with our courses I took a drag of "kings" and realized that my sleepiness was gone.All during that sessional I smoked so that I could stay awake and study.Slowly and steadily the habit took hold and I became a smoker.Like every new smoker I tried every other brand that crossed my eyes and later on settled on "kings".

In the same semester I drank alcohol as in vodka for the first time.The occasion was my birthday and breaking the shackles of another inhibition seemed the second step in a brand new direction.Through the next semesters I developed taste for whisky,rum,wine,brandy,whisky again and smoking continued as usual.

My mates had now started to mock me over my addictions.I however never took notice because I knew that I was not addicted and I could quit when I wanted.But why would I want to quit,when I had discovered its benefits.Contrary to all beliefs intoxicants possess benefits when taken in quantities that one can handle and it is also a fact that they harm our health anyway.Smoking increases the metabolism and thus helps your mind to be active and as everyone knows it is the best stressbuster.The most common application however is that it is a very good timepass.NOTE: to get cancer from smoking you need to be a heavy smoker and
preventing oneself from becoming one is not that great a challenge.Alcohol on the other hand is a great motivator and lets you break your barriers.Most importantly-its great fun getting high.The downside of these habits is that it can empty your pockets in no time and of course the health issue.

Ayn Rand who was a chain smoker all through her life had expressed her thoughts on smoking in the book Atlas Shrugged through one of the characters who says

I like cigarettes, Miss Taggart. I like to think of fire held in a man's hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his fingertips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone, watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come from such hours. When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind—and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.

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