Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Someone recently reproached me for not yet having a profile on any of the social networking sites.This is not the first time that it has happened and I through expperience have learnt to deal with situations of the sort.'Tum sab to mere dil me ho,facebook ki kya jaroorat hai' and then a sly smile does the trick most of the time.Sometimes they say 'diplomacy to koi tumse seekhe' which is answered by another smile,a meek one this time.I know all this makes me sound like a reclusive guy which I am not.Its true that I lack societal skills but then also I easily make good friends.When one moves as in from school to far away college or college to another city for profession great freinds get parted and gradually its warmth also disappears and it cannot be salvaged through sites like these.Well this is the way that life is and should be-dynamic.New places bring new friends and new perspectives.Frankly speaking you hardly miss anyone when you have good freinds.I believe that once a friend is always a friend and thus it does not matter if there is a daily exchange of wassups or not.Also if one wants to chat up there is that great gadget called phone.The reason that keeps me away from these sites roots mainly from my love of the idea of bumping into a long parted dear freind and inviting him back to my place to have a evening overwhelmed by nostalgia.These sites would just make such an evening impossible.

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A few months from now I will be on the payroll of a software company.This makes me think about what will I buy for myself with my own money the very first time.Maybe a washing machine.Getting my laundry done has been the most irritating of chores during my life as a student and having a washing machine would be of great help.I just cannot stand waiting for the launderers to return my clothes at time and its the most demanding of jobs for me to give the clothes to them at time.Last but not the least my skin crawls when they count the clothes before making the bundle out of it.If I buy the washing machine I will I have to buy an iron.A steam iron that they advertise on TV will be the one.Next item on my shopping list is a grand leather recliner.Oh! I cannot stop dreaming of the day when on returning from a busy day at office I retire to the regal cosiness of this throne of mine.I clearly see a stool by its side on which rests a glass of whisky.Sipping on the whisky I would watch my favourite shows on a slick LED TV.The next thing that I want to buy is a really nice quality leatherjacket,brown in colour and aviators that would go with it.

I am taken away from this heavenly future of mine when my phone rings.My mother it is.After the usual 'whats up' exchange my mother asks me to send the tution fee receipts.'Its for the education loan thing' she says.In one second I am brought back to the reality that initial years of my employment are going to be spent repaying my education loan.The recliner and that jacket will have to wait but I will come for them.Someday....

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10 years from now I want to be the owner of an enterprise.I have no ideas about this enterprise but I will be its owner.Reaching there requires me to follow a strict routine.I will have to first be successful at executing the short term plans that I have in my mind.This horizon 10 years away is just the basecamp.The road to this basecamp and the climb thereon is my calling.Its the exhilaration in moving towards that goal which entices me.It is not a mercedes that I want to own or a luxurious house.I may eventually possess these things but What is so special about this enterprise thing is that it will be my own creation.The money that I make will bring me the joy that a farmer gets when he reaps his crops.To this start I look forward to-a farmer with his own land.

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Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Any one who has seen the movie Invictus will remember this poem by the same name.The poem was written by William Ernest Henley.When Henley was 12 he suffered from tuberculosis of the bone which in later years reached his foot.At the age of 25 his foot was amputated right below the knee.Henley wrote this poem in these trying circumstances.The inspiration that lead him to write this poem also encouraged him throughout his one legged life which he spent very actively and writing excellent poems which evoked varied emotions in the hearts of readers.Henley died in 1903 but never did 'Invictus'.

Nelson Mandela while serving his lifeterm at the Robben island recited the poem to himself and other prisoners.He spent 27 years in prison before being freed in 1990 and then becoming the first black President of South Africa chosen through elections in which for the first time blacks voted.What he achieved in hiscountry was because he never bowed to adversities but rather looked them in the eye.Henley's poem helped him do so.In 1995 the world cup of rugby was held in South Africa.The home team was all white and previously hated by the black community.Mandela took keen interest in rugby.Prior to the event not only he achieve success in turning the hate of the blacks into support but also motivated the captain Francois Piennar to win the cup.Mandela told Piennar about the poem and how it helped him stand when all he wanted was to lie down.Against all odds S.A won the cup defeating New Zealand in an epic of a final.This is the story of Invictus being Immortal.Well so far.....

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Arjuna is overwhelmed by tears at a critical moment in the battlefield and looses sight of the path on which he already had come a long way.His dear friend Krishna teaches him to get over with the emotional ramblings that drive him to inaction.Krishna teaches him that as a Kshatriya it is his duty to stay on the path of righteous action.He tells Arjuna that the empathy that makes him weak is not deserved by the Kauravas and so he should not mourn them.He suggests him that Karma is like a win-win situation for him as if he wins he gets the kingdom and if he looses he still dies as a martyr for a cause.He later on explains to Arjuna that it is through an unrelenting march on the path of Karma that a soul becomes worthy of immortality.He then explains the importance of being unattached to once Karma in order to experience the true happiness that the path of Karma holds for its pursuer.He elaborates by saying that once a righteous course of action is chosen one should put all efforts to follow it without caring about the results.The true prize he says is not that which you expect to be in store waiting for you at the end but it is in the exhilaration that accompanies action itself.A person who actually pursues his Karma with noattachment whatsoever becomes capable of taking happiness and sorrow in the same stride,and only such a person is fit for immortality.Such a person only has the chance of being one with god.

The most striking interpretations that I draw from these dialogues reaffirm my very deep rooted beliefs in objectivity.When Krishna teaches to be unattached with the results of one's actions he just wants to imply that happiness is not in eating the fruits but in the path that makes him deserve the fruit.He also hints that there is no such thing as a higher spiritual goal but whatever heaven that exists is here to be found.His reference to immortality of the soul is more in the physical sense than the metaphysical dimension that has been popularly ascribed to it.Its about the immortality of ideals and the legacies that one leaves behind in this world.Objective theory has it that a man in the true sense is one without any guilt and only such a man can take happiness and sorrow in the same stride.The concept of man's oneness with god highlights one of the main ideals of the objective philosophy that sees man nothing short of

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The world and the human existence must carry some purpose,it is this belief that has carried us this far.What exactly this purpose is hard to ascertain and if one actually finds a purpose,chances are high that it may be the wrong one.The most common purpose that has been ascribed to our existence by many relegious ideologies is oneness with God,the path to which can be travelled only through the values and morals inherent in these relegions.Morality can however not be a dictated one as everyone is dependent on his interpretations.Guided by individual interpretations we start to develop our own value system and when these contradict those taught by relegion we face a crisis that challenges our existence.Most of the people however never get to this stage as they already had abandoned their reason to the concept of god which requires one to be faithful without asking questions.Faced by such a crisis a reasoning mind however formulates a personal value system and seeks his own purposes.The transition takes place through a stage when one doubts the existence of all values,knowledge and purpose.This is the state of nihilism in which a person holds no beliefs,looses all loyalties and seems to have no other impulse other than destroying.This transition proves destructive for many who either turn into amoralists mindlessly seeking things like power and material pleasures while some others into ascetics who renounce all earthly desires in order to prevent getting hurt.The people who get through this state come out as pioneers taking the civilization ahead.Last two centuries have been very dynamic and have pushed the whole humankind a step closer to this transition.The lifestyles of especially the young today shows signs of nihilism.However dangerous it may be,one needs to go through this stage as it helps one to wipe the slate clean and emerge a phoenix.Their is a big probability that the truth that one reaches through this process may once again eventually lead to contradictions and thus maybe a newer and deeper nihilism.Sometimes people get caught up in a vicious circle of self realization and nihilism and spend their lifetime trying to break off.The path to the truth is the most trying of all but remember 'The climb may be arduous but the view is grandest at the top'

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There is something clean about Nitish Kumar that parts him from the pack that the politicians make.Be it his opposition to Narendra Modi campaigning in Bihar or the recent opposition to BJP's Lal Chowk attempt,there seems to be a consistent effort to stay away from stunts aimed at things that have nothing to do with development.His plans for development have never been extravagant but only basic ,but the efficient way of execution has returned maximum benefits for the average Bihari.When he came to office,crime had become a menace.Instead of announcements of buying sophisticated weapons for the police,he initiated the system of speedy trials.Most of the notorious criminals were behind bars in no time and all of a sudden their was a never before fear of law amongst criminals.Through the later part of his second term as CM he was involved in construction of roads at an extensive rate.To get an estimate here is a piece of information-while the Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam had built 319 bridges in 30 years (1975-2005), it built 339 bridges at an estimated cost of Rs 798.04 crore in just three years (2006-09)!Recently while recieving the politician of the year award he was asked that why he gave cash to families to buy bicycles for girls instead of distributing the bicycles.He answered that doing the latter would involve issuing tenders which could turn the plan into a scam.Today one can see girls happily going to schools on their bicycles.The women empowerment had started back when the state government brought a legislation that reserved 50% of the panchayat seats or women.Thus its no wonder that women played a pivotal role in his re election the third time.The overall image of Bihar is at its best and the general mood of the public is upbeat.Everyone seems ready for the journey ahead.For 50 years it had voted its caste but at last Bihar has cast its vote.

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For once certain and sure
I walk alone with my vision pure,
branding maxims and proclaiming objectivity
I hold my head high,against eternity.

No repose for the end I yearn,
no open arms I wait upon
Driven by the fire inside that burns
towards my Atlantis I march.

No heaven on my horizon
neither promises of an afterlife
content I walk on
the path with flowers and thorns rife.

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The ebbing lights
bring me to you,
to pangs of pain
and peals of delights.
The receding waves
uncover now and then
the bed beneath
of cherished sands.
The river you were
has changed course
leaving behind rivulets,
with no choice
but to wait
to cut them deeper with
the pangs of pain
and peals of delights
when the light ebbs.

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"Aap bade ho kar kya ban na chahte ho?"-"Sachin Tendulkar" pat comes the reply.The petite correspondant from Aajtak keeps asking this same question to kids that seem to be dressed up in full cricketing gear just for the occasion.And yes the correspondant has that trademark hindi reporter accent which irks me whenever I hear it.As this story ends we are taken to a cricket match being played between the so famous saas and bahus that rule the Indian telly.The camera closeups one by one on the players who have some of their own criceting wisdom family serial style to share.I switch to another news channel and they are showing sadhus play cricket near sangam in Allahabad while some foreign tourists watch on.Yes it is a fact that India is a cricket crazy nation but these mediamen and women just kill it.They over do it over and over again.They dont realize that to bring out the fanaticism over cricket you dont need to serve it as breaking news but just document it.However media in India just cannot get over its breaking news syndrome.Meanwhile India wins its warmup match against NZ.I switch back to Aajtak where broad block letters read out "JEET KI HUNKAAR" .Seeing it I realize maybe what I ask of these channels is a bit too much to

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Recently I was watching 'How I met Your Mother' season 3 on my laptop.In a particular scene Barney Stinson while reminiscing about his first sexual
experience says: “That was the night I was born. I rose like a phoenix from her mentholated bosom and strode into the world, Armani-clad and fully awesome.” Something hit me hard,something which was hard to admit and still harder to ignore.Thats too many 'hards' in a single statement but that is how I can best summarise what I felt.I never gave 'being still a virgin 'a serious thought,but the way Barney expressed himself and especially that mention to the phoenix thing did ring bells inside me.Someone seemed to be yelling-"he! you are still unused, and you had one of the best chances" .About the best chance thing- I study in manipal(popular belief has it that it is the land of pleasures galore).I try to talk my brain out of this 'student-life crisis situation' that it believes was my making all the way.I try to explain to it that how I with my meagre monthly allowances and fat intoxicant bills could do nothing but wait for time to shine upon me.My brain counters me by giving the example of the poor Andhra guy(he lost his V just in the 3rd semester) and our own 'bewda' who opened his account just last month.I try to reason that the poor guy was a geek and the girl he nailed was another geek who just thought that they could share some codewriting skills through mutual fluid exchange and that bewda's escapade was a fluke as the girl mistook his 'senti bullshit'(that he diishes out whenever he is drunk) for the vulnerability that girls so dig in for.At this point my brain went all guns blazing-"Why is it that things fall in place only for others?".This time I was silenced like a husband who just goes in the corner after he cant pull up more explanations.In my own corner I finally admitted to myself that it was lame of me to deny my body of such great a pleasure.If now I say that I am a 'mechie' probably most of you will typecast me as one of those despos who are now the face of our fraternity in every engineering college around India.But seriously I am not one of those types.My desparation is not all lust driven,its just the curiosity and the fact that I feel I have been a bit late on getting my hands on this type of experience.I feel kind of low about it but again something rings a bell inside me.Its my brain saying-"All is not lost, tomorrow is another day and we are going on a voyage

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According to wikipedia censorship is suppression of speech or other communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.Well many people are opposed to this idea as they think it is an insult to the intelligence of humans.Such people reason that a mature person already possesses the maturity to respond to what is important rather to get tangled with obscure and immoral ideas.These days whenever I watch television I keep thinking that a new type of censorship based on stupidity should
be in place.Reality shows are the main source of my belief.All opposers to the idea of censorship may also support me too because no one can possibly stand stupidity.Well family based serials is where all this started but its too late to do anything about it now as it could lead to a nationwide disruption of family life.People hurling abuses at each other for reasons hard to comprehend,shedding tears as if they are in a private session with a psychiatrist and bonding so strongly after having just met for the first time are things that just force my rationale to question its premises.Whoever makes such shows must be some character.Also shows like TLC,Roadies,Splitsvilla are on the same bandwagon as no matter how much there following is,what they seve is sheer stupidity.Well I wont have a problem if inspite of being stupid they turn out to be interesting,but that's hard to find.

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One of my good friends today shared with me a conversation that he had with an uneducated Bengali when he had visited Kolkata recently.This friend of mine has his house in Kolkata at a place where nothing but barren fallow land existed since his grandfather had bought the land in the 60's.Today that place is overpopulated by malls and flyovers and other features of a newly urbanised Indian locale.Now this Bengali after a formal hi hello,jumped upon the topic of politics.Given the fanatical nature of importance that an average Bengali gives to politics,sports and culture my dear friend went all ears just to have a good timepass.This die hard follower of "didi" had a very strange but an interesting story to tell.According to him the locality that I am talking about here was once a very fertile piece of land that used to be green with the rice crop that grew here.Jyoti Basu's son slowly acquired the land by forcing the
innocent farmers out.This son of Jyoti Basu was a very fond of luxuries and thus he developed this area as an amusement area of his and also made a lot of money out of the process.This fictional dramatic story indicated that the story had been told to him for sole purpose of gathering an opposition against the existing Jyoti Basu government.Later on the man talked about the Singur issue and hailed the cancellation of the proposed factory being set up there as a big step in the empowerment of the poor."Cholche na-Cholbe-na"(has'nt worked and will not work) is what he very emphatically announced.My friend also discussed how people did nothing in his village but gather in the evenings to criticize MNC's and America.Hearing all this makes me remember the day when the Bihar
election results were out and everyone talked that from now on the people are going to vote on the basis of development only.That day I as an Indian felt very positive unlike today.

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Monday, February 28, 2011


Sachin Tendulkar was 10 when Kapil Dev brought the world cup to India.This is 2011 and what happened to cricket in India and Sachin himself is a story worth telling.Most of us have witnessed it but still the story never fails to amaze.Sachin is hailed as cricket's god and there is not a bit of exaggeration in there.Seeing him play one realizes that all the millions of neurons that he has,are trained to interpret the trajectory of the ball and send out signals to his framework to take the right stance and through a well coordinated series of movements at par with a ballet artist deliver the right amount of force to manoeuvour the ball through the right places.He is as perfect as it gets.He has been the spine of the Indian team for more than 20 years and still shows no sign of aging and on the contrary he has become more sound technically.Its no wonder that the present team wants to win the cup for Sachin.All of them have grown up watching him play and feel blessed to be in the same team with him.The present team is rich with energy and talent and it has got the right motivation.With a tactful captain that M.S Dhoni is we have the best chance that we have had since 1983.

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The controversy is a part of our very recent past.I am not one of those well informed people and whatever general awareness I have is a direct result of my attempts at finding some raunchy "sansanikhej" masala news that they serve on every news channel that is(apologies to the exceptions that prevent the whole community to be cursed).The purpose of mine that I want to serve here is bringing out the ambiguity that exists over the so called freedom of opinion.First of all I dont believe that such a freedom should exist as it promotes stupidity.What I noticed as I watched the many debates that I witnessed over various news channels is that no matter what anyone said,he or she was branded either to be a moderate or a right extremist.I am not here to advertise the middle path.What I want to bring to notice is,the very wrong presupposition of the Indian media that the masses are incapable of an independent opinion.Should a
flag be hoisted at the Lal Chowk?There is only one standpoint from which such matters should be dealt and that is the nation's interest.The separatists are creating problems and trying to colour India's actions in dictatorial black.A strong message needs to be sent across to them and thus hoisting the tricolour in their bastion is very much needed and thus well justified.The problem lies in the fact that BJP was using it as a publicity stunt.This however does'nt imply that anyone who said yes to the unfurling was a Hindu extremist.On similar lines anyone who went against the unfurling was portrayed as a Congress sympathiser,BJP condemning moderate and progressive Indian.The truth is that these are the people who avoid confrontations and actions even when the country's interests are at stake.What is behind these biases that the Indian media holds is a big question?Every media person at that time argued that such an action would lead to the already volatile conditions in the valley to worsen.Well the conditions there have been bad for as long as anyone can
remember and it is going to get worser if the separatists are not dealt with strictly.Of late the separatists have also gathered big-wig sympathisers in the so called intellectual circle and also in the international media.In such challenging scenario the stance that Indian media has taken is the wrong one and it needs to be corrected.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011


During my initial years at school I was very introverted and it took me days to start conversing with other kids.I was'nt interested or talented in playing any sports and so I preferred to stay inside during lunch breaks and evenings when everybody darted for the playgrounds.Well as time passed me by I opened up a bit and slowly I became kind of normal.However I still felt uneasy in unfamiliar domains.

At school my favourite subject was English language.The main reason behind it was that my teacher was a wonderful lady who made me feel comfortable.The stories and poems recited by her seemed to take a dream like quality.Unlike others she would be very pleased when we came up with our own interpretations of poems.The danger that my introverted nature posed to me enjoying a wholesome childhood was somewhat offset by my literary inclinations.

Through textbooks I was introduced to Ruskin Bond's short stories like "Woman on Platform 8"(this was the first one) and "Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra".Reading these stories made me an instant fan.The stories transported me from my
own world into some unknown hill station in the foothills of the Himalayas.Through the stories I myself felt like a boy from the hills,with nothing more important than wandering in the hills.How can one create such lively a world with nothing but words still remains beyond my understanding.There have been many authors with a brilliant vocabulary and the right sense to use it efficiently,but Ruskin Bond's gift seems to be extra sensitive senses capable of absorbing even the minutest of details and the wisdom to interpret these details correctly.

Many of his works were semi-autobiographic in nature and most of them were influenced by events of his childhood.A few years later I became a member of the local British library and one fortunate day I stumbled upon "collected works of Ruskin Bond".That whole summer I dedicated myself to this book.Most of the short stories in there were already read by me, but still I read the whole book word by word.In all of his works the surroundings that the characters inhabited was not just a mere backdrop,but it was a character in
itself with its own chemistry with the other characters.The pleasure and calm that one feels while seeing a beautiful stream is what one feels while reading his works.The book also had some novels and novellas like-"Room on the Roof","Vragrants in the Valley","Delhi is not Far" .

Bond wrote "Room on the Roof" when he was just 17 years old and won the "John LLeweLLyn Rhys" prize for it in 1957.It is a semi-autobiographic account of his struggle towards becoming a writer.The book is still one of my favourites and I remember being moved to tears while reading the last pages.The opening lines of that book still remain with me
And the last puff of the daywind brought from the unseen villages, the scent of damp wood-smoke,hot cakes,dripping undergrowth,and rotting pine-cones.That is the true smell of the Himalayas,and if once it creeps in the blood of a man,that man will at the last,forgetting all else,return to the hilsto die.
The worlds that Bond created were so complete and so life like that my heart yearns to be one of his characters possessed by that last gust of daywind who returns at last to the hills for his nirvana.

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It was the first semester when in full audience I had affirmed that I would never touch alcohol or cigarettes or any other thing of the same sort. My proclamation stemmed from the hate that I held for intoxicants and the hate stemmed from the fights between my parents that I encountered as a child when my father returned home drunk.Please dont interpret that my father was a wife beating drunkard because he was'nt.It was just that my mother was highly intolerant towards these bad habits and it was hard for her to control her disgust.

This is the eight'th semester and here I am -an alcohol gulping cigarette smoking self righteous bastard trying to defend himself on web log.So what happened in between that changed me so much.Well first of all I was not that wise enough at that time to realize my youthful vanity that fuelled me with a spineless confidence.Just out of a small town I did'nt realize that life had just started for me and there was a lot that I had to still see and experience.

One of my great friends brought a great deal of change in how I looked at things.He had once said to me that one life is what we have got and so we should let all kinds of experiences enrich us and for this first we must loose our inhibitions.This one maxim so deeply provoked me that on the last day of our first semester I smoked a complete navycut.My head seemed to go in circles but I felt great on loosing my inhibition.During the first sessionals of the second semester when we were battling it out with our courses I took a drag of "kings" and realized that my sleepiness was gone.All during that sessional I smoked so that I could stay awake and study.Slowly and steadily the habit took hold and I became a smoker.Like every new smoker I tried every other brand that crossed my eyes and later on settled on "kings".

In the same semester I drank alcohol as in vodka for the first time.The occasion was my birthday and breaking the shackles of another inhibition seemed the second step in a brand new direction.Through the next semesters I developed taste for whisky,rum,wine,brandy,whisky again and smoking continued as usual.

My mates had now started to mock me over my addictions.I however never took notice because I knew that I was not addicted and I could quit when I wanted.But why would I want to quit,when I had discovered its benefits.Contrary to all beliefs intoxicants possess benefits when taken in quantities that one can handle and it is also a fact that they harm our health anyway.Smoking increases the metabolism and thus helps your mind to be active and as everyone knows it is the best stressbuster.The most common application however is that it is a very good timepass.NOTE: to get cancer from smoking you need to be a heavy smoker and
preventing oneself from becoming one is not that great a challenge.Alcohol on the other hand is a great motivator and lets you break your barriers.Most importantly-its great fun getting high.The downside of these habits is that it can empty your pockets in no time and of course the health issue.

Ayn Rand who was a chain smoker all through her life had expressed her thoughts on smoking in the book Atlas Shrugged through one of the characters who says

I like cigarettes, Miss Taggart. I like to think of fire held in a man's hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his fingertips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone, watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come from such hours. When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind—and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.

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This is the real story behind Valentine's Day.I dont have any tangible proof to support it as they have been destroyed by a secret society.More about this secret society later,first hear the story.

Well the story is about Mr. x who ran a small greetings card company by the name Y.Mr X was deeply in love with a lady called Rosemary.Rosemary was a poor but clever girl and she did not love X.X tried all the tricks but could not win Rosemary's heart.He was fond of buying precious gifts for Rosemary which she accepted only because she could earn money by trading these gifts at Mr. z's pawn shop.
One day Rosemary met Mr.K and both instantly fell in love with each other.Mr K used to run greeting card company L which was loosing badly in competition to Y.When K learnt about the inclinations of X towards Rosemary he hatched a plan.He convinced Rosemary to pretend being affectionate towards X and then gain access to his secret
business strategems.Rosemary's new but fake attitude completely possessed X and he started spending even more on her.Meanwhile Mr K slowly started to gain all of X's businesses through the prior knowledge of X's strategies.All this did'nt seem to matter Mr X who was drunk with his new found love.

One fine day Mr X decided to ask Rosemary to marry him.When he reached her house with the ring he was dumbfounded to see Rosemary in the arms of K.When he confronted her she told him that she was going to marry K and then coldly asked him to leave.Betrayed he resorted to heavy drinking.Slowly he lost his business completely
and whatever riches he was left with he squandered on drinking.He spent his days drinking in dirty pubs and many nights he spent on the street.When he went out of cash he started to trade articles at the pawn shop.Once he went to Z's pawn shop so that he could buy money for alcohol.There as he looked around he saw a golden chain with the word R hanging from one of the links.He could clearly identify this chain as he had gifted it to Rosemary.When he enquired Z about it he came to know the truth.Z also told him that she was now the wife of K who ran the successful greeting cards company by the name L.Upon knowing
all this the truth became clear to X.

Driven by a strong feeling to avenge,X decided to pull up his socks and ruin K and his business.He was a very good businessman in his days and he knew someone would still help him.He had learnt a lesson the hard way and this had made him even more determined.Being aware
of the immense power that love possesses over the heart that carries it, he made a plan.X had contacts with the top clergymen at Vatican.He made a deal with them.The church was to invent the concept of Valentine's Day and in turn X's company would pay royalty,popularize uncle Santa.X's company made astronomical profits from Valentine Day cards and merchandise that year and K's company went out of business.If not his love X got his revenge.When everyone celebrates Valentine Day,the top notch of every greeting cards company pays their homage to Mr X behind guarded doors.Oh yes this secret is guarded by the "Priori of Sion".Please dont laugh as what I say is the truth.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011


Music in India is customised to suit the soul of cinema.Cinema in turn is tailored to earn maximum profits.A popular item girl not worth mentioning once had commented on what sells as cinema in India by using an alliteration-"Shahrukh and Sex".She may not be completely true but it is a fact that an average Indian prefers being served cheap thrills over arty cinema.Thus what we have as music is something which either disrupts the harmony inside or goes unregistered despite of its forceful attempts .Due to the same reason big names like Anu Malik and Pritam shamelessly lift music from different parts of the world and brand them as their own.Such people should be severely condemned and barred from making any music at all.

The independent music scene seems to be going out of existence.There was a time when independent albums were the in thing.The music that was dished out was not brilliant but here and there one could spot signs of it.Most importantly the music seemed original.The period I am talking about is when Alisha Chinoy swept the country off its feet with "Made in India",when singers like Shaan and Sonu Nigam and Lucky Ali made albums and bands like Euphoria and Silk Route were trying to establish themselves.

Today no artist or company is interested in making albums and TRP seeking talent hunt shows is where young artists try their luck.The era of cassettes is over and whatever CD's get sold are the pirated ones.Internet is where people get most of the music from.Musicians now have only one option and that is to make music for the movies.This has made music dependent on taste of the masses and on skimplily clad item girls.

Item song upon item song makes me hungrier for music that lasts,for songs that I can sing to myself without straining my brain to remember it.The
scene is not completely grim as exceptions are universal and to prove it we have "The Mozart from Madras" and a few other.Amit Trivedi has been like a breath of fresh air with the originality he has displayed in his brief career.Also moviemakers today are making better cinema and giving composers the freedom to experiment.Bollywood music needs to reinvent itself and the way forward is making it independent of cinema.The solution lies in the enemy itself that is the internet.Online music stores with a nominal charge per song and the profits from advertising on the website alongwith an arrangement that prevents the songs being illegally published elsewhere can help the present music scene a lot.Also the moviemakers must be made to pay a part of the profits based on the popularity of the music for the movie since it plays an important part in drawing attention of people towards the movie.It is true that nothing can constrain brilliance but clearing the path leads to a sense of freedom which is necesarry for artists getting experimentative and original.

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There can be a million ways to look at things,but only one amongst them will let us see the truth objectively.Strangely enough it is not that tough to identify the correct perspective.This is because we humans aided with superior quality brains are able to develop the faculty of reason.We as a species have travelled from being barbarians to be able to control fire all because we reasoned that a better way was possible.Strangely enough during this process were conceived irrational concepts that have stuck to the minds of the humans like leeches who now threaten to suck the reason out withoout even being noticed.These concepts have something common in them- all are meant to blunt the brilliance that humans are capable of in the name of the common good.These concepts directly or indirectly try to accentuate a falsity that living for one's own happiness is evil.The madness that plagues the societies at large today
can only be cured when we realize that the "virtue of selflessness" is the greatest frauds of all times.One must remember that any leap that the humankind has ever taken in the process of civilization has been due to the unrelenting endurance of some brilliant and courageous mind to stick with his vision.All these great minds were at there times opposed by the societies that existed but it was the ego of their morality that made the leap possible.

This irrational majority has declared greed to be evil and they have succeeded in establishing this as a fact.What material wealth one is capable to possess is directly propotional to what he/she possesses as talent and values.Greed is that motivator which pushes one to achieve more than what the person is capable of.To do so thus a man needs to enrich his talents and value system.Thus greed pushes you to be a better human.If a person breaks laws to acquire more and more material possessions,then it is that person's rationale and inefficiency of the state to stop such a person that should be decried and not greed.A reasoning brain knows that material possessions can make you happy only when you have deserved them and thus through greed they try to become deserving.On the other hand an unreasoning mind is unaware of this fact and thus greed drives him to loot.

The faceless and the motiveless says greed is evil.They say it turns men into amoralists who are incapable of love towards anything other than money.Yes ofcourse it does such things,but being amoral when the accepted morality is at fault and love for money coupled together is the best cure for our society.our morality is at fault because it is not headed the right way.The stage of advancement that we have reached is because we have always held to reason and it is against our best tool to still believe in irrational concepts like that of selflessness,god,rebirth,soul and other concepts that rise from these.Love for money is the best thing that could happen to an individual(the one who can reason) as it is very hard to earn honest money and thus to deserve more and more money a person will be driven to get more and more deserving.They say greed makes one forget his duties towards his family.Well duty is something that is dictatetd to us by our own morality and not by the moral code of the society.This sense of duty arises from love which in itself is such great a force that it is impossible to neglect what it dictates.

Who are these faceless and motiveless people?How can one defeat them?What invisible lies in the path to the truth that bars the view?Or is it that no one wants to see this truth?To all these questions I have only one answer or perhaps a question-wHO IS JOHN GALT?

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ayn Rand spoke against the idea of selflessness most vociferously all through her life.She believed this concept was the foundation on which the evil-ish ideas of socialism and communism were based.It should however never be misinterpreted that she stood against equal opportunity to all,but she strongly believed that based on their intellect and the values they stood for, men were different and thus equating them would be an absurdity.Selflessness according to her was an excuse in disguise of virtue.An excuse for those who lacked originality,vision and strength to possess any value for their own or anyone else's sake.She holds that people who will stand tall when we look back upon our history were not driven by the will to serve others but by a vision of their
own,neither did they work towards making their vision a reality for the sake of others but because they had in them a morality that gave them their power,our reverence was not what they worked for but it was the happiness they seeked and got rewarded with throughout the process.

John Galt the central character of the book Atlas Shrugged says"You have heard no concepts of morality but the mystical or the social.For centuries,the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors–between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of incompetents on earth. And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it.".This book was written by Ayn Rand but she was'nt just a writer,she was a woman with a vision of her own much like the heroes of her stories.A vision that cut through minds and mindsets so cleanly that even after 50 years of the first publication of Atlas Shrugged it came second after Bible in a census conducted in the U.S for finding the most influential book.Through all her books she tried to educate the readers about the philosophy that she was true to and considered as the only true philosophy.The philosophy is known as objectivity.

Most dictionaries define objectivity as the approach that believes in the absolute nature of truth and it being independent of human existence or belief.Applying such an approach in philosophy turns it into a mathematics of sorts. The universal validity of mathematical relations arise from the absolute nature of the numbers and operations involved and as such the concept of absoluteness of truth implies that a universal moral code valid for everyone is also possible.The analogy to mathematics is noticed in Ayn Rand's own words "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." which reminds of the popular logic in mathematics that when a contradiction arises some assumption must be wrong.In this world of objective reality a man is armed with just his power to reason and to serve only one morality-living life for one's own happiness.Happiness as defined by Rand is the direct reward of being true to your values.

At times Rand's philosophy seems to be built to counter the ideas of socialism and communism.The anti hero of the socialists and communists- the industrialist with no sense of empathy for the masses or the scientific visionary whose ideas could send thousands of workforce jobless seem to be the hero of all of Rand's books.However her heroes are not driven by the money that they earn but by the happiness involved in making money through the vision they hold and by never compromising with their values in doing so.Moreover her heroes were very honest and ethical.They looked after their workers well, not out of empathy though, but because they thought them to be deserving.

Her philosophy approaches everything from an individual's point of view and so for her the purpose of civilization is to free the individual from the herd and the purpose of society is to ensure, this freedom remains intact.Likewise Rand believes in a completely deregulated economy and that government should only be responsible for protecting citizens from unrational and criminal elements of the society.Her philosiphy denounces every thing that is not reasonable be it god,superstitions,metaphysics,concept of soul or rebirth.Faith cannot be blind she says as it is born from a rational process of identifying an entity which never contradicts its integrity.

Ayn Rand was an atheist and whatever adjectives a devout follower ascribes to his god Rand ascribed to man.She was a hero worshipper and believed that every thing was possible for men with original vision and stength to stand by their values.Now most of us are conditioned to believe that true happiness is to be found in some metaphysical realm upon exorcising ourselves of our cravings for all worldly pleasures.To this Rand would have said "Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth".
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Sunday, February 6, 2011


The idea that love is selfless is a preposterous one but generations upon generation have considered the idea sacred and are going to do just the same before some sense prevails.Selflessness is a desecrating concept and connecting it with love should be acknowledged as blasphemy against the nobility that love is. Whether it exists or not is another question,but a laughable one.Every man has his own ethics and philosophy in life on which grows his moral code and love springs in his heart upon finding a champion of this code.Thus love arises from strict adherence to one's moral premises and rendering it selfless would imply absurdity and nothing else.Absurd because love is born from the the egoism of one's morality and hence it can never be selfless.Selflessness was a concept meant for the weak of the heart,the person who did not had the strength to stick to any morality.Love cannot brew in a weak heart.

Happiness comes from following the righteous path and utilizing one's potential to the maximum.Selflessness hails the sacrifice of one's happiness and desires for the sake of the herd.Obviously it is the man who has something of value is the one that the preachers of selflessness seek for making that sacrifice.So basically what a selfless society does is rob the men with values of their happiness and distribute it amongst those who are too weak to deserve anything.This system preaches that each man should love each man equally,thus equating a person's love for his hero in life to the pity that he may feel for a homeless beggar.

Love is something that has to be earned.One needs to be worth it.To love someone first one should know that person's nature and next he/she should admire it.Admiration springs from identification of one's highest values in someone else.It is the best reward a person can get for being the man of his principles,being what one truly believes is the most highest way of being human is.Two people in love see in each other a hero of their own respective moral codes.Each one is rewarded with the love of the other for being the hero that the other person seeked.What I am trying to imply is that this whole affair called love is like a toil and get rewarded routine and thus it is not selfless.

Many times people try to justify this statement by giving the example of a mother's unconditional love towards her offsprings.Loving,caring for one's child is a part of the moral responsibility that every relegion,sect,group entrusts upon its followers.When humans belonged in caves,surviving was the morality.A few steps of evolution later surviving well would have been the morality.Building a herd/clan of able bodied,skillful members certainly is the best way of surviving.Looking well after one's offsprings,feeding them well (being the first step in building that clan) thus got constituted in our morality.A child is a mother's masterpiece in the making.She loves it most because its her chance to deliver that masterpiece,and she never ceases to love it because she painted it with colours that she herself chose.Even if the world sees that masterpiece in the greyer hues,a mother still can see the beauty in it and love it.

Selflessness ascribes to love an aura of mysticism and spirituality,it makes it into this intoxicant which every one should carry around and pour out to anyone whether he asks for it or not,whether he desrves it or not.When in love try to reason and find an answer to "Of all the hundreds of people I have known in this life what makes this love of mine so special?".If you find the correct answer you will realize that love is the truth of your soul,in front of you in complete nakedness and complete defiance of what they say about love,very physical and very tangible and so very selfish so as to absolve you of every pain that may ever exist.

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Night by the lighthouse

One fateful summer an uncle of mine visited us.He seemed the perfect answer to the question-"What do you want to be,when you grow up?".My instant devotion  towards him was because everyone loved and respected and seemed to look upto him.Above all was the fact that I being the youngest amongst my cousins, was his favourite and above that too, was the thing that he encouraged us(me and my brother) to be creative.

Now this was the good part and this is where the story takes a new course when you come to know something more about my uncle and something about me.Uncle ji was an ex armyman and he was strict-"stereotype" type strict.I on the other hand was an average at academics indoor kind of kid with an uncommon for my age- "laidback" attitude(lazy is the real word).Lost somewhere in my subconscious was also an alterego with ambitions to be good at sports,brilliant in academics, outdoor kind of kid.

My uncles' first maxim for me was "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise".Early every morning we would accompany  uncle on his morning walking-running-exercising regime.It should be noted that prior to his visit all my parents' attempts at trying to wake me early in the morning had
failed and I had trained my ears to ignore even the most annoying of alarm clocks.Well this time,my alterego,fuelled by the halo that circled my uncle had let my guard down.At that very impressionable and innocent age of mine  my alterego had found his superman in uncleji.Following his way of life seemed
sacred to me and his words seemed to be coming straight from some higher divine place.Suddenly within a month I was this new guy.I bathed everyday,my uniforms were tidy and perfectly ironed,I did my homeworks and I was more athletic than I ever was.
Yesterday night after feasting upon a tasty racoon,and washing it down with a pint of UB,I with my friends decided to have a "night-out".We decided upon going to kapu(a beach with lighthouse upon a hill).The lighthouse sends a humongous shaft of light down upto the horizon which keeps rotating about a point
above our heads.The night is cold unlike the warm rocks on which we lie and gaze through the stary night trying to make constellations of our own.The more my mind tries to grasp the idea of the endlessness of the space in which these stars seem suspended the more intangible it becomes.Somehow this becomes the
topic of our discussion and everyone voices there views be it scientific,metaphysical,spiritual or religious.The abstract nature of the discussion disinterests me and I shift my focus to the melonchalic lights on ships far away on the ocean.The next thing I remember is being woken up by the early morning sun.Nostalgia hits me as I am reminded of uncleji.The alterego is long lost and the real me is stronger than ever.Days are gained sleeping while an american lifestyle ensues with moonlight.I just manage to pass my subjects,never exert my body and I have my best friend as internet.Maybe its the contrast between today and that distant summer that triggers this nostalgia and reminds me of the look that uncleji wore for me everyday before leaving me at my school gate.The look that said -"carpe diem".Biking back to my place I cant hep smiling as someone remarks "we seized the night".

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Sunday, January 23, 2011


Tarantino the unquestionable ace of  non linear storytelling lands a level higher with "Pulp Fiction".The movie is a time and space warping travel through incidents occuring in the lifes of two mob hitmen,their boss,his wife and two diner dacoits.The movie opens with two dictionary meanings of the word "pulp";the opening titles look like cover pages of pulp fiction novels and the opening scene takes place inside an "oh so familiar" american diner where two young hippie-ish  Brits discuss the pros and cons of looting banks and liqour shops,and through few minutes of most engaging dialogue, impulsively decide to loot the people in the diner.This first scene dazzles,and the scenes that follow drown you into this mash of not so connected pieces of stories that glance off each other at edges as they move through.
Watching this movie makes you realize Tarantino's brilliant cinematic eloquence which he uses to paint an abstract shape comprising of tales wherein you get aware of the different influences the director has had be it television,cinema,literature,life itself.In a particular scene Travolta and Thurman enter a 1950's west hollywood theme restaurant,they dance to the tune of the music from the 60's and the dance reminds of Travolta's  star making performance as Tony Manero in his epochal "Saturday Night Fever" of the 70's.Settings and the mannerisms of the various characters remind you of some reference somewhere, yet the word "cliched" never crosses your mind .The other attributes of the movie that shine through are the incredible dialogues  that go on between the various dark characters and the humour involved, thus the popular term "dark comedy".

Many reviewers despise the movie for its use of  shallow themes,cheap thrills and the banter.These people refuse to credit this movie as pathbreaking as it challenges their premises that intutively lead them to praise an 'arty' movie.However meandering through the explosive,shocking and uncertain landscape that the film maker has painted my not so intellectual and so shallow mind with no sense of aesthetics associates some semblance with the word art.My both thumbs are up Mr. Tarantino.
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